Siamese Cats: Everything You Need to Know | BetterVet (2025)

Written by Sarah Reidy •Medically reviewed by Laura Fontana, DVM

Last Updated on 09/14/2023

3 min read

Siamese Cats: Everything You Need to Know | BetterVet (1)

Siamese cats, also referred to as Thai cats or "Meezers" are one of the most beloved and distinctive cat breeds, with their striking blue eyes, point coloration, and elegant, muscular build. They are known for their beautiful appearance, intelligence, playfulness, and vocal nature and are often described as very social and affectionate with their human companions. In this blog post, we will explore the history of Siamese cats, their unique physical features, temperament, and personality, and what kind of pet parent is best suited to add a Siamese cat to the family.

The History of Siamese Cats

The Siamese cat originated in Siam (now Thailand) and was first introduced to the western world in the late 19th century. In Thailand, they were considered to be royal pets because of their regal appearance.

The first Siamese cats were brought to the UK in the 1880s, and by the early 20th century, they had become a popular breed in Europe and the United States. Siamese cats were first recognized by the Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA) in 1906, and they remain one of the most popular cat breeds in the world.

Physical Features and Colors

Siamese cats are medium-sized cats with a lean and muscular build. They typically weigh between 8 and 10 pounds and have a distinctive wedge-shaped head and pointed ears. Siamese cats have short, fine fur in four classic point colors: seal point, chocolate point, blue point, and lilac point.

Seal point is the most common color and features a dark brown or black "mask" on the face, ears, tail, and paws, with a light-colored body. The chocolate point is a light brown color, the blue point is a grayish-blue color, and the lilac point is a pale, pinkish-gray color. In addition to the classic point colors, Siamese cats can have a tabby point, tortie point, or lynx point patterns.

Siamese Cats: Everything You Need to Know | BetterVet (2)

Siamese Kittens

It's no surprise that Siamese kittens are unbelievably cute. Newborns are almost completely white, and it can take up to a year for their full colors to develop, although they will start to show their points as early as three weeks. Kittens are high-energy and can be quite boisterous, demanding attention and playtime. This is the stage when they develop their personalities, so it’s important to ensure they get all the kitten care and attention they need when they’re very young so that they grow into healthy and social cats.

Temperament and Personality

Siamese cats are known for being highly intelligent, curious, and active. They are often described as being "dog-like" in their behavior, as they enjoy playing fetch, following their owners around, and walking on a leash. Many Siamese cats even enjoy swimming or playing in the water.

Siamese cats are very vocal and often meow to "talk" to their owners. They are very social cats and enjoy being around people, but they can also be independent and may not always want to be held or cuddled. Siamese cats are often described as very loyal and often form a strong bond with their pet parents.

Is a Siamese Cat a Good Fit For You?

Siamese cats are a good fit for pet parents looking for an active, intelligent, and social cat that will enjoy interacting with them. They are also a good fit for families with children, as they are known for being patient and playful with kids. However, Siamese cats may not be the best fit for pet parents looking for a quiet or low-maintenance pet, as they require a lot of attention and stimulation to stay happy and healthy.

Caring for Your Siamese Cat

Like any kitten or cat, your Siamese needs regular checkups and vaccinations. You may also want to discuss with your veterinarian whether your cat will be an indoor or an outdoor cat, as this can impact their vet care needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Siamese cats hypoallergenic?

No, Siamese cats are not hypoallergenic. They still produce dander, which can trigger allergic reactions in some people.

Are Siamese cats prone to any health problems?

Siamese cats can be prone to a few health problems, including dental and respiratory issues, and amyloidosis, which can affect their kidneys.

How long do Siamese cats usually live?

Siamese cats have an average lifespan of 12-16 years, which is longer than many other cat breeds.

Do Siamese cats need a lot of grooming?

Siamese cats have short, fine fur, so they don't need a lot of grooming. However, they do shed, so regular brushing is a good idea to keep their coat healthy and reduce shedding. Like any cat breed, they require regular nail trimming and ear cleaning.

Why are Siamese cats called Meezers?

Siamese cats are affectionately called Meezers because they are a very talkative breed. “Meezer” is said to be similar to the sound of a Siamese's loud, low-pitched cry.

What are some good names for a Siamese Kitten?

If you’re looking for Siamese cat names, some popular choices include Kit, Lucy, Asia, Bebe, and Bella.

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Pet Lifestyle

Written by Sarah Reidy

Sarah Reidy, based in Portland, Maine, has a BA in Psychology from the University of Vermont and an MSW from Boston University. She has over ten years of experience as a writer for a variety of brands, including several in the pet industry. She relies on her two dogs for daily insight into the minds of pets.

Medically reviewed by Laura Fontana, DVM
Siamese Cats: Everything You Need to Know | BetterVet (2025)


Siamese Cats: Everything You Need to Know | BetterVet? ›

Siamese cats are medium-sized cats with a lean and muscular build. They typically weigh between 8 and 10 pounds and have a distinctive wedge-shaped head and pointed ears. Siamese cats have short, fine fur in four classic point colors: seal point, chocolate point, blue point, and lilac point.

What to know before getting a Siamese cat? ›

Most breeders describe the personality of Siamese cats as highly social, extroverted, and outgoing. They show immense loyalty and, like dogs, form strong bonds with humans. As their owner, you might find them constantly following you around and demanding your attention. Siamese cats are notoriously vocal and noisy.

What's special about Siamese cats? ›

Siamese are sociable cats and enjoy interacting with their pet parents. They will follow you around the house, are happy to welcome visitors and get along well with other pets. They are affectionate and intelligent, and their curious nature means that they are easy to train and often enjoy a game of 'fetch'.

Do Siamese cats like to be held? ›

Because they love their humans so much, it's a given these cats love to cuddle and be held. And although they need space to do their own thing at times, to a Siamese "doing your own thing" usually means hanging out a few feet away, rather than right on top of you.

Are Siamese cats hard to take care of? ›

While Siamese cats are generally hardy and easy to take care of, they can be susceptible to certain health issues. That's why it's crucial they receive proper care, starting from kittenhood. This article will help you learn how to take care of Siamese kittens to ensure they grow up happy and healthy.

Do Siamese cats pick one person? ›

Intelligent and excellent problem solvers, with a strong attachment to one person and a desire to be with that person, the Siamese is not always an easy cat to live with unless you are prepared to give a lot of 'cattention'.

Is it better to get a male or female Siamese cat? ›

Otherwise, in terms of appearance and temperament, there are no stand-out differences between female and male Siamese cats. Females can be just as affectionate and sociable as males when raised in a loving, respectful environment. The differences are much more apparent in unspayed cats.

What do Siamese cats love the most? ›

Siamese cats are a people-loving breed who bond very closely to their humans. It's characteristic of this breed to follow their owners around the house, and they'll take interest in whatever their owner is doing. Siamese cats also enjoy the company of other cats, children, and even strangers.

Can Siamese be left alone? ›

2. Two is company. Given their sociable nature, Siamese cats don't do well if left alone.

What is a Siamese cats favorite treat? ›

Siamese cats love meat-based snacks, like freeze-dried raw chicken treats and shredded boiled poultry. You can also give them a piece of raw bone to chew on.

What are the cons about the Siamese cat? ›

  • Siamese Cats are a needy breed that requires your attention every day.
  • They are loud and vocal, frequently meowing around the house, which can be annoying to some people.
  • It can be a hassle to train them initially.
  • They always need something to be busy with and cannot stay idle.
May 31, 2023

How to calm down a Siamese cat? ›

  1. Establish a daily routine and be consistent with your schedule.
  2. Play with your cat every day.
  3. Create a stimulating environment by getting interactive toys, scratching posts, and a cat tree.
  4. Hide treats and toys around the house to keep your kitty busy.
  5. Leave TV or radio on while you're gone.
  6. Get a second cat.
Jun 9, 2022

How do I know if my Siamese cat is happy? ›

Here are signs of a happy cat:
  • Vocal clues. Cats can be very vocal, especially when they're happy. ...
  • A healthy appearance. If cats feel good, they will keep themselves well groomed. ...
  • A relaxed posture. ...
  • Eyes and Ears. ...
  • Social sleeping. ...
  • Playful behaviour. ...
  • A good appetite.

What not to feed a Siamese cat? ›

Here are some key dietary needs to keep in mind when feeding your Siamese cat:
  • High-Quality Protein. Siamese cats are carnivores and require a diet high in protein. ...
  • Adequate Hydration. ...
  • Essential Nutrients. ...
  • Avoid Certain Foods. ...
  • Onions and Garlic. ...
  • Chocolate. ...
  • Grapes and Raisins. ...
  • Raw Fish and Eggs.

How many times a day should I feed my Siamese cat? ›

A Siamese kitten should be fed between 3 - 4 meals per day. KatKin perfectly portion a daily serving of your Siamese kitten's food into one pouch. This means one pouch should be divided into multiple meals throughout the day to make sure your kitten gets all the nutrients they need to grow.

What is the lifespan of a Siamese cat? ›

Siamese cats live up to 15 years on average, some can reach 20 years old. People love Siamese cats because they are sociable, playful, and entertaining. It is possible to train Siamese cats due to their intelligent nature. They can be trained to walk on a harness and do lots of tricks.

Are Siamese cats good for first time cat owners? ›

When you want a conversational cat by your side, the Siamese is your match. You can expect an opinion out of this feline no matter the situation — so tread carefully if you would prefer 100% peace and quiet. The Siamese isn't tight-lipped. A huge advantage to owning a Siamese is its lack of a thick coat.

Are Siamese cats high maintenance? ›

Even though Siamese cats are emotionally high maintenance, they don't need a lot of maintenance They need a minimum amount of grooming, which involves bathing every once in a while, and brushing maybe once or twice a month. If you like cats with minimal maintenance, Siamese cats are perfect.

What is a good age for a Siamese cat? ›

Siamese cats live up to 15 years on average, some can reach 20 years old. People love Siamese cats because they are sociable, playful, and entertaining. It is possible to train Siamese cats due to their intelligent nature. They can be trained to walk on a harness and do lots of tricks.

Are Siamese cats more clingy? ›

Often described as "dog-like," these felines are well-loved for their affectionate, personable nature, which can also manifest as clinginess. From demanding your attention to following you around the house, Siamese cats exhibit behaviours that might have you wondering: why are they so clingy? The clin...

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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.