Siamese cats are social, affectionate, clever animals. (2025)


The Siamese cat is a bright, intelligent feline with a handsome appearance and charming personality who can't help but draw admirers wherever he goes. These cats are known for being rather "dog-like," and love attention—human affection is one thing this breed can't get enough of.

Siamese kittens typically cost anywhere between £250–£1,000 and are a fairly popular breed. In 2018, the Siamese was the 13th most registered cat breed with theCat Fanciers' Association. With their affectionate (and chatty!) personalities, it's easy to see why they're so beloved. Described as being "dog-like," these kitties mesh well into most families.


Siamese cats have a lean, lengthy frame with slim but muscular bodies. His long, thin limbs and tails, coupled with a high-contrast colourpoint pattern, make him instantly recognizable. His colourpoint coats give the illusion of mystery, with darkened masquerade-like fur near the face, ears, legs, and tail.

Because of their genetics, this breed will always have piercing blue eyes (which can sometimes be a little cross-eyed) that adds to their striking, elegant appearance. And because of their short, light coat that doesn't shed much, Siamese cats can be a good fit for allergy sufferers.

Though you might picture a Siamese as cream with dark colourpoints, there are actually four colour combinations these kitties can be: seal point (the typical fawn or cream body with dark seal colourpoint), chocolate point (ivory body with dark brown colourpoint), blue point (light silver bodies to a dark, greyish-blue colourpoint ), and lilac point (light cream bodies with a pinkish-grey colourpoint). They're all so beautiful, you might be tempted to adopt one of each!


The Siamese cat's personality is friendly, affectionate, outgoing, and social. This beautiful breed is alsoone of the most intelligent around. The Siamese is loving and trusting with humans, and he thrives with lots of positive human interaction. He's also deeply sensitive and will take any harsh words to heart. As with any pet, usepositive reinforcementwhentraining him to use the litter boxor teaching him your couchis not a scratching toy.

Kirsten Kranz, director ofSpecialty Purebred Cat Rescue, says many Siamese are "Velcro kitties," whose love for their owners is so intense they'll often stick to their side, following them from room to room in pursuit of pets and snuggles.

Because they love their humans so much, it's a given these cats love to cuddle and be held. And although they need space to do their own thing at times, to a Siamese "doing your own thing" usually means hanging out a few feet away, rather than right on top of you.

Siamese cats also have a reputation as being conversationalists,meowing loudly to their owners. Though, as every cat is an individual, not every one is chatty. "Siamese can be very vocal, but it's not the majority of them," Kranz says. "Those that are will talk your ear off, [and are] maybe 25 percent of [the breed]. The rest are either moderately talkative, or not talkative at all."

A Siamese might dub one member of the household "his person," and form a bond tighter with them than anyone else. A prime example of this: The relationship Patti Randall (played by Hayley Mills) has with D.C. the Siamese in Disney's 1965 movieThat Darn Cat!But as long as everyone gives him lots of loving, this breed will cuddle up with any family member.

Living Needs

These cats, especially Siamese kittens, have a surprising amount of energy in such little furry bodies. "This is a breed that will need a lot of interaction and mental stimulation to be healthy," Kranz says. "These are not couch potato cats."

The Siamese's exceptional intelligence means you'll need to shower them with affection so they don't feel neglected. Adopting a pair of Siamese cats, or bringing home a Siamese and another breed, will go a long way to making sure he stays entertained—nobody can resist a 24/7 playmate!

But even if they have other feline friends tobat crinkly toys aroundwith, these people-oriented pets can't handle being left to their own devices for long. The Siamese thrives in a home where people spend a lot of time, and going long periods without human interactioncan leave these kitties depressed and anxious. If you happen to leave your Siamese to his own devices a few hours too long, don't be surprised to come home and find vases knocked over and toilet paper rolls shredded.

"Siamese are very dog-like in that they crave interaction and play with their humans," saysNicole Goudey-Rigger, owner and CEO of Pets a Go Goin Stamford, Conn.

Count on your Siamese to be a constant companion, sharing everything with you from sleeping arrangements to bathroom time. He'll be like a little, furry, vocal shadow, following you from room to room and asking "whatcha doing?" and "can I have a treat?"

Along with their emotional sensitivity, this breed is also sensitive to some physical elements—especially to cold. Be sure to provide them lots of cuddles, warmth, and maybe even a little sweater if you live in a cold climate.

Kranz says Siamese cats—especially males, who tend to be more "dog-like"—makegreat family cats. "Most,when integrated slowly and carefullywith other pets and respectful children, do very well," she says. "Each cat is an individual and should be treated as such."


Because of their short, non shedding coat, these cats don't need a ton ofgrooming. In fact, weekly combing, regular ear cleaning, andnail trimmingare all a typical Siamese cat requires. But feel free to brush your kitty's coat just for fun—after all, he loves to be doted on.

While he might be low-maintenance when it comes to grooming, you need to make sure you provide him with ampleopportunity for play and movement. Stock up oninteractive cat toys,cat trees, and other fun gifts. Pencil in daily play time as well.

Because of their big brains, Siamese cats areeasy to train. Though that doesn't necessarily mean they can be taught to do anything—with their intelligence comes a serious side of wilfulness. They want to please you, but they prefer to do it their way, when they want to.

Feed your Siamese high-quality cat food and monitor food intake tohelp prevent obesity, which they are prone to. Check in with your veterinarian to know how much and how often you should be feeding your individual cat.


Siamese cats are generally healthy pets and have an impressive lifespan of 15–20 years, and some even live past that.

The Siamese cat's greatest health risks includeamyloidosis(disease of the liver), asthma, dental disease (make sure tokeep a close eye on your cat's teeth), and several kinds of cancer. Reputable Siamese breeders will screen for health issues in your kitten, but it's important to have them screened regularly into adulthood. Some health problems can go undetected until later in your cat's life.

Take care of your Siamese cat's health and wellbeing byscheduling regular visits to the vet.


Siamese cats are considered one of the oldest existing Asian cat breeds, according to theNational Siamese Cat Club. They originated in Thailand (formerly Siam) and were highly prized by royalty. When they were imported to England in the late 19th century, they took these "Royal Cats of Siam" took the country by storm, where they appeared in catalogues and were coveted by the wealthy.

The Siamese has only continued to grow in popularity since then, and is consistently ranked as one of the most popular cat breeds in the U.S.

Fun Facts

  • Famous Siamese cat owners include James Dean, President Rutherford B. Hayes, Marilyn Monroe, President Jimmy Carter, Andy Warhol, Elizabeth Taylor, and John Lennon.
  • Siamese cats have been used to create other cat breeds, includingHimalayan,Burmese, andTonkinese.
  • Long-haired Siamese are actually considered their own breed: theBalinese.
Siamese cats are social, affectionate, clever animals. (2025)


Siamese cats are social, affectionate, clever animals.? ›

Most breeders describe the personality of Siamese cats as highly social, extroverted, and outgoing. They show immense loyalty and, like dogs, form strong bonds with humans. As their owner, you might find them constantly following you around and demanding your attention.

Why are Siamese cats so affectionate? ›

Because they love their humans so much, it's a given these cats love to cuddle and be held. And although they need space to do their own thing at times, to a Siamese "doing your own thing" usually means hanging out a few feet away, rather than right on top of you.

Are Siamese cats clever? ›

Siamese cats are known for being highly intelligent, curious, and active. They are often described as being "dog-like" in their behavior, as they enjoy playing fetch, following their owners around, and walking on a leash.

Are Siamese cats loyal to one person? ›

Incredibly intelligent, affectionate and opinionated, they are considered the extroverts of the feline world. Inclined to bond strongly to one person, and often very vocal with a loud, low-pitched voice (known as a 'meezer'), the Siamese is very much a 'Marmite' type of cat, appealing to a very specific sort of person!

Do Siamese cats like to be held? ›

Siamese Cats Love Cuddling

Siamese often were kept indoors and pampered by their owners, who treated them as companions and family members. This consequently might have influenced their affectionate and loyal personalities. Another reason why Siamese cats love cuddling is their body temperature.

Do Siamese cats get attached to their owners? ›

Most breeders describe the personality of Siamese cats as highly social, extroverted, and outgoing. They show immense loyalty and, like dogs, form strong bonds with humans. As their owner, you might find them constantly following you around and demanding your attention.

What makes Siamese cats so special? ›

The Siamese cat is an energetic and opinionated breed that loves human companionship. Their bright blue eyes radiate intelligence and they love learning new things and exploring their environment. While their good looks might make them appear untouchable, the Siamese cat is very playful and quite a cuddle bug.

Which cat has the highest IQ? ›

Regardless of where they come from, Abyssinian cats are known as the smartest cat breed due to their inquisitive nature and top-notch detective skills. They are incredibly independent, and they enjoy mind-stimulating activities like puzzle toys.

Do Siamese cats like to be pet? ›

They're social butterflies. Looking for a snuggle buddy? These cats won't disappoint. Siamese cats are a people-loving breed who bond very closely to their humans.

What is the lifespan of a Siamese cat? ›

Siamese cats live up to 15 years on average, some can reach 20 years old. People love Siamese cats because they are sociable, playful, and entertaining. It is possible to train Siamese cats due to their intelligent nature. They can be trained to walk on a harness and do lots of tricks.

What do Siamese cats love the most? ›

Siamese are great jumpers and love heights, so perches and cat trees should be provided. Siamese love to play and appreciate toys around the house for their pleasure. While the coat needs little care, Siamese tend to associate brushing with affection and will enjoy spending time being groomed.

Are Siamese cats protective of their owners? ›

Protective behavior

While Siamese cats are highly affectionate animals, they're also extremely territorial over the people they love, along with any space they see as theirs. They can also be downright assertive compared to other cat breeds.

How smart are Siamese cats? ›

Siamese Cats are highly intelligent, talkative and sociable. They have a deep, loud voice and enjoy “chatting” with their owners. They are often described as being “dog-like” in their fondness for playing fetch and capacity for affection.

Are Siamese clingy cats? ›

Often described as "dog-like," these felines are well-loved for their affectionate, personable nature, which can also manifest as clinginess. From demanding your attention to following you around the house, Siamese cats exhibit behaviours that might have you wondering: why are they so clingy? The clin...

How cuddly are Siamese cats? ›

The Siamese is very affectionate with their owner and adoptive family. They tend to be possessive and jealous cats and have a constant need to demonstrate their affection by staying close to their humans and spending hours cuddled up with them! They are also very protective and can be quite defensive around strangers.

Are Siamese cats the friendliest? ›

Siamese cats have been portrayed as mischief-makers in movies over the years, but these felines are some of the most social, affectionate and fun pets to own.

Are Siamese cats more clingy? ›

Often described as "dog-like," these felines are well-loved for their affectionate, personable nature, which can also manifest as clinginess. From demanding your attention to following you around the house, Siamese cats exhibit behaviours that might have you wondering: why are they so clingy? The clin...

Why is my Siamese cat obsessed with me? ›

Siamese cats are loyal and devoted to their parents, which makes them excellent companions. This quality can also turn into extreme attachment and obsession with their human. In such cases, they will constantly demand attention, so working from home might be challenging.

Are Siamese cats affectionate to strangers? ›

Siamese cats also enjoy the company of other cats, children, and even strangers. Their incredibly affectionate disposition makes them prone to depression if left alone too long.

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