Lycoming County Docket Sheets (2025)

1. CountySuite Courts

  • Lycoming County Prothonotary Office. Search for a Case Hide Advanced Options. Search by Name or Case Number, Search by Case Number, Search by Participant Name ...

  • Advanced Filtering Options Reset

2. Legal Resources - Lycoming Law Association

  • Lycoming County - The home page of the County of Lycoming. ... Statewide Docket Sheets - Search for County Criminal, Appellate or Magistrate Judge cases ...

  • View the resources provided by the Lycoming Law Association.

3. Court of Common Pleas | Luzerne County, PA

  • Court of Common Pleas · Court Calendar · Security Notices · Common Pleas Courts Docket Sheets · Notice of Language Rights · Forms and Related Documents.

  • The Courts are committed to provide dispute and case resolution through legally fair procedures, ensure access to justice for all, promote effective, innovative services, and increase public trust and confidence in the Luzerne County Courts.

4. OOR Decisions (Docket Search) - PA Office of Open Records


  • 5 jun 2024 · Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania. Commonwealth Docket Sheet. Docket Number: 826 CD 2023. Page 1 of 6. June 10, 2024. CAPTION.

6. OOR - Docket Sheet - PA Office of Open Records

  • Docket Sheet. Heather Honey v. Lycoming County. OOR Dkt. No.: AP 2021-2603. Case Status: Affirmed by Commonwealth Court. FD Due: 01/12/2022. Record Closing Date ...

  • Heather Honey v. Lycoming County

7. Docket Searches | Montgomery County, PA - Official Website

  • County Courts · Court Administration; Docket Searches. Docket Searches. Criminal Cases. Criminal Bench Warrant (currently unavailable); Domestic Relations Bench ...

  • P.O. Box 311

8. [PDF] in the united states district court - US Case Law

  • Common Pleas of Lycoming County for the offenses of ... 15.) 1See Pennsylvania's Unified Judicial System Webportal, Appellate Docket Sheets, available.

9. Lycoming County Court Dockets

10. [PDF] January 21, 2017 (Pages 283-410)

  • 6 jan 2018 · docket sheets of the PACMS, CPCMS and MDJS. The procedure has ... ship, Lycoming County has been extended. Southwest Region: Air ...

11. Criminal Dockets - Delaware County, Pennsylvania

  • The Criminal Division is responsible for case files in all criminal cases processed from the local District Justices. In addition, the division handles the ...

  • The Criminal Division is responsible for case files in all criminal cases processed from the local District Justices. In addition, the division handles the posting of bail, the return of bail, summary appeals and appeals to the appellate courts.

12. Lycoming County Court Opinions

  • DOCKET NUMBER. LYCOLAW WEB CITATION. Page 1 of 64. Commonwealth vs. Michaels 8.19.2024 Ryan M. Tira. Criminal: Motion to recuse Lycoming County District ...

  • Browse Lycoming County court opinions.

13. Williamsport double homicide: Full timeline and photos - NewsBreak

  • 6 mrt 2024 · — Lycoming County District Attorney Tom Marino held a press ... Muhammad Davis docket sheet · Sandy Camille Perez docket sheet · Randall ...

  • Williamsport, Pa. — Lycoming County District Attorney Tom Marino held a press conference on Tuesday about the arrest of four people accused of orchestrating a double homicide in Williamsport. “Recently, we arrested four people involved in the Alisha Seese and Ronald Dailey murders,” Marino said. “The first person we arrested some time ago, but we'll be filling charges against Troy Bailey. He was the shooter in the case.” Fueled by...

14. Docket Search - Pennsylvania Child Support Program

  • Welcome. If you would like to search Pennsylvania dockets related to Child Support cases, you can log into this section of the PA Child Support Website.

  • If you would like to search Pennsylvania dockets related to Child Support cases, you can log into this section of the PA Child Support Website.

15. Comm. v. Blanchard, Harry R. III - Docket Alarm

  • III. MJ-29302-TR-0001495-2024 | Pennsylvania State, Court of Common Pleas, Lycoming County ... Accessing docket sheets also incurs a fee if we do not ...

  • Case docket: Comm. v. Blanchard, Harry R. III, MJ-29302-TR-0001495-2024 in Pennsylvania State, Court of Common Pleas, Lycoming County, last filing 07/06/2024, filed 07/06/2024.

16. Cases, Dockets and Filings in Pennsylvania - Justia

  • Plaintiff: The Harlem School District, County of Dakota, Nebraska, Dustin's Bar-B-Q- Inc. ... These filings and docket sheets should not be considered findings of ...

  • Cases, Dockets and Filings in Pennsylvania

Lycoming County Docket Sheets (2025)


What is docket filling? ›

A docket is a "formal record in which a judge or court clerk briefly notes all the proceedings and filings in a court case." Source: Black's Law Dictionary, 12th ed. by Bryan A. Garner (Editor)) After a case is filed, the court assigns it a docket number, which is the court's case number or tracking number.

What is an example of a docket number in PA? ›

Courts assign each case a unique docket number (for example, CP-25-CR-1234567-2020). The format varies by court. This may be the name of an organization or an individual.

Can you look up court cases in Pennsylvania? ›

Pennsylvania's Unified Judicial System provides comprehensive public access to court records online and upon request. Access aggregate numerical data from all courts including caseload statistics, collections information and interactive data dashboards.

What does m mean in a court case? ›

It could mean that the case has been filed as a misdemeanor. It also might be that the case has been "filed" as a 72 hour hold to give the government more time to decide what charges to file. Typically "MA/MB/MC" will denote a misdemeanor case and "CM" will denote a 72 hour hold case.

How to read dockets? ›

A docket usually has four main sections: the caption, general case information, party information, and a list of docket entries. At the top of a docket sheet you'll find the caption: the name of the court, the official title of the case, and the case number.

How do I know when a case was filed? ›

If the case information is not available online, you can contact the court clerk or go to the court to ask for information about the case. A clerk may be able to tell you basic information over the phone, like when a court date is scheduled or if something has been filed.

What does cases on the docket mean? ›

In general, a docket is where there are multiple cases set at the exact same time, and the cases could involve a wide range of issues. Cases could be on a docket in order to obtain a simple status update, set for pre-trial or settlement conference, trial or anywhere in between.

What do the letters in a case number mean? ›

The nature of the proceeding is abbreviated by a letter code. For example, “R” stands for a Rate case, and "RM" is a Rulemaking case. The letter code is then followed by the current year and the number of the case for that year. For example the 2nd rate case for FY2009 would be Docket R2009-2.

How do I look up arrests in PA? ›

Generally, interested members of the public may view and/or obtain copies of criminal court records by:
  1. Using the states online resources such as the UJS web portal.
  2. Making in-person requests (recommended for magisterial district courts)
  3. Sending requests via mail to the concerned custodian.

What is the PA docket app? ›

Finding public court information is easier than ever with PAeDocket – including results about cases, such as charges, court dates, upcoming hearings and status of cases. PAeDocket offers a visually engaging and easy-to-use mobile experience, now for both Android and iOS platforms.

How to get docket number? ›

The docket number will usually be in one of the upper corners of the first page. Double-check the names to be sure you have the right docket number. A person may be involved in many cases, each with its own case number. Find the docket number by contacting the court clerk where the case is being heard.

How do I find my PA dockets? ›

Finding public court information is easier than ever with the launch of PAeDocket - a free app that provides a quick and simple search of court cases or dockets. Users can search by case number, participant name, organization name, offense tracking number, police incident or complaint number or state ID number.

What is the best free website for public records? ›

PACER provides the public with instantaneous access to more than 1 billion documents filed at all federal courts. Registered users can: Search for a case in the federal court where the case was filed, or.

Can you look up active warrants in PA? ›

Interested individuals must register to use the portal to search for active warrants. Another reliable approach is visiting the local police department that obtained the warrant. Many police departments in Pennsylvania maintain records of arrest warrants issued within their jurisdiction.

Introduction - Pennsylvania Dockets - Research ...Temple University ›

This guide is intended to assist with finding online Pennsylvania state court dockets, as well as providing information on individual courts' online docket ...
The Courts create a docket for each case file. Entries are added to the case docket sheet as records are filed in the case. Dockets include: case file number, p...
Reading a docket sheet in Pennsylvania is always easier if you understand legal language and formatting. If you cannot read a docket sheet yourself, then you ma...

How do you read a court case name? ›

The first name refers to the party that brought the action. It is always the government at the trial stage because the government initiates all criminal cases in the United States. The v. is an abbreviation of the Latin versus, meaning "against." The second name refers to the party against which the action was brought.

What is a PA docketing statement? ›

A docketing statement PA is a supplemental form that is used to create a new business entity in the state of Pennsylvania. The docketing statement will be included with the submission for your new business and certificate of organization when you file it with the Pennsylvania Department of State.

What is the meaning of OTN number? ›

OTN Offense Tracking Number The Offense Tracking Number is a unique number assigned by the court to a particular arrest at the time of arraignment.

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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

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Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.